Getting Started
Setup modules
Poco Renderer
Creating Fonts
Moddable One
Moddable Two
Moddable Three
Moddable Four
Moddable Six
nRF52 Low Power Notes
Raspberry Pi Pico
M5Core Ink
SiLabs Gecko
Moddable Zero
Moddable Display Developer Guide
Adafruit 1.8" ST7735
Adafruit OLED Display
BuyDisplay 2.8" CTP - ESP8266
Crystalfontz ePaper
Generic 1.44"
Generic 2.4" & 2.8" (Resistive Touch) - ESP32
Generic 2.4" & 2.8" (Resistive Touch) - ESP8266
Generic 2.4" & 2.8" (Resistive Touch) - Pico
Sharp Memory
Sharp Memory Screen 1.3"
SparkFun TeensyView
Switch Science Reflective LCD
DESTM32S display
DotStar display
ILI9341 display
LPM013M126A display
LS013B4DN04 display
MCP230XX GPIO expander
SSD1306 display
SSD1351 display
ST7735 display
TLS (SecureSocket)
Web Things
Audio Output
Expanding Keyboard
Die Cut
Using After Effects Motion Data
Defines in Manifests
JavaScript language considerations on embedded devices using the XS engine
Mods – User Installed Extensions
ROM Colors
Using XS Preload to Optimize Applications
XS Conformance
XS Marshalling
XS Platforms
XS in C
XS linker warnings
XS Compartment
XS Profiler
XS Scopes


Copyright 2017-2024 Moddable Tech, Inc.
Revised: September 16, 2024

A manifest is a JSON file that describes the modules and resources necessary to build a Moddable app. This document explains the properties of the JSON object and how manifests are processed by the Moddable SDK build tools.

Table of Contents


As a simple example, consider the manifest of the balls example app. It is quite short:

	"include": [
	"modules": {
		"*": "./main"
		"*": [

The include array lists other manifests to include. This is a convenient way to use the same properties and modules across many applications because it eliminates the need for you to specify each individual property and module in every application's manifest. For example, manifest_base.json is included in all of our example applications. It is used so that resource, instrumentation, time, and timer modules are included in the build for each application.

The modules and resources objects list modules and resources that are specific to the balls app that should be included in the build. Here the modules object specifies that the main.js file located in the balls app directory should be included, and the resources object specifies that the balls.png image located in the balls app directory should be included.



The build object defines the environment variables used to build paths in other paths in the manifest. Notice that the manifest can access shell environment variables like MODDABLE.

"build": {
	"BUILD": "$(MODDABLE)/build",
	"MODULES": "$(MODDABLE)/modules",
	"COMMODETTO": "$(MODULES)/commodetto",
	"PIU": "$(MODULES)/piu"

When you build an application, the default output directory name is taken from the directory name containing the manifest. You can specify a different output directory name by specifying a NAME environment variable in the build object.

"build": {
	"NAME": "balls"

ESP32-specific environment variables

The esp32 platform object supports a number of optional environment variables applications can use to customize the Moddable SDK build for ESP32 devices:

Variable Description
ESP32_SUBCLASS If a device other than the esp32, set esp32s2, esp32s3, esp32c3, esp32c6, or esp32h2
SDKCONFIGPATH Pathname to a directory containing custom sdkconfig defaults entries.
PARTITIONS_FILE Pathname to a partition table in CSV format.
BOOTLOADERPATH Pathname to a directory containing a custom ESP-IDF bootloader component.
C_FLAGS_SUBPLATFORM C compiler flags to use when compiling Moddable SDK sources.
USE_USB Configure the device to use the USB port for programming and debugging.

Note: This document does not cover native code ESP32 and ESP-IDF build details. Refer to the ESP-IDF documentation for additional information.


The target ESP32 subclass for a build is specified using the ESP32_SUBCLASS property.



The modClock example app leverages the SDKCONFIGPATH and PARTITIONS_FILE environment variables:

"build": {
	"SDKCONFIGPATH": "$(MODDABLE)/contributed/modClock/sdkconfig",
	"PARTITIONS_FILE": "$(MODDABLE)/contributed/modClock/sdkconfig/partitions.csv"

In this example, the modClock partitions.csv file completely replaces the base Moddable SDK partitions.csv file at build time to provide additional partitions for OTA updates. The sdkconfig directory contains sdkconfig files that override and supplement the base Moddable SDK sdkconfig.defaults entries. The following section describes how the Moddable ESP32 build processes sdkconfig files.

The C_FLAGS_SUBPLATFORM environment variable is for use in manifests of subplatforms (and should not be used elsewhere). It allows compiler specific settings unique to a subplatform. For example, a subplatform using first generation ESP32 silicon with external PSRAM would enable the following settings to cause the compiler to generate code to work around the silicon bugs:

"build": {
	"C_FLAGS_SUBPLATFORM": "-mfix-esp32-psram-cache-issue -mfix-esp32-psram-cache-strategy=memw"

How partitions.csv is processed

The ESP-IDF partition table must contain certain partitions to support certain features:

  • Mods requires a partition to store the mod's archive
  • Files requires a partition to store the file system
  • Over-the-Air (OTA) updates require two OTA app partitions plus an OTA Data partition

The mcconfig tool can automatically modify the partition map to support these features. This simplifies development by eliminating the need to manually create a targeted partition table for projects. It makes optimal use of flash space, by only creating partitions for features that are used by the project.

The mcconfig tool creates new partitions by dividing the factory app partition based on the features used by the project. The default partition tables for Moddable SDK devices all have a single factory app partition and so support this feature of mcconfig.

To determine the features in-use, mcconfig checks the following manifest defines. These defines are set in the manifests that require them, so it is usually unnecessary to set them in project manifests.

  • Mods – if XS_MODS is set to a non-zero value, mods are considered to be in use
"defines": {
	"XS_MODS": 1
  • Files - if file partition is set to the name of a partition, files are considered to be in use
"defines": {
	"file": {
		"partition": "#storage"
  • OTA – if ota autospilt is set, OTA is considered to be in-use.
"defines": {
	"ota": {
		"autosplit": 1

If the partitions.csv file for the project includes a partition for these features, mcconfig does not automatically create the corresponding partition. For example, if a mods partition is defined in the partitions.csv file, mcconfig does not create one from the factory app partition.

The partitions created have the following sizes. Options could be implemented in the future to configure these sizes.

  • Mods - 256 KB
  • Storage - 64 KB
  • OTA - 8 KB is reserved for the OTA Data partition required by the ESP-IDF. The space in the factory app partition not used for other partitions is divided into two OTA app partitions.

How sdkconfig files are processed

The Moddable SDK sdkconfig defaults files are located in the $MODDABLE/build/devices/esp32/xsProj-esp32 and $MODDABLE/build/devices/esp32/xsProj-esp32s2 directories for ESP32 and ESP32-S2, respectively. The sdkconfig.defaults (ESP32/ESP32-S2) file is the base configuration file used by all ESP32/ESP32-S2 builds. Release and instrumented release builds merge additional configuration options, on top of the base sdkconfig.defaults file, from the sdkconfig.defaults.release (ESP32/ESP32-S2) and sdkconfig.inst (ESP32/ESP32-S2) files respectively. When merging, configuration options that exist in the base sdkconfig.defaults file are replaced and options that don't exist in the base sdkconfig.defaults file are added. The merge processing order is as follows:

  1. All base sdkconfig.defaults options are applied to the build.

  2. On release builds, the sdkconfig.defaults.release options are merged.

  3. On release instrumented builds, the sdkconfig.inst options are merged.

    When applications specify optional sdkconfig files using the SDKCONFIGPATH manifest environment variable, the merge processing additionally includes the following:

  4. The application $(SDKCONFIGPATH)/sdkconfig.defaults options, when provided, are merged.

  5. On release builds, the application $(SDKCONFIGPATH)/sdkconfig.defaults.release options, when provided, are merged.

  6. On release instrumented builds, the application $(SDKCONFIGPATH)/sdkconfig.inst options, when provided, are merged.


Some ESP32 devices support USB directly instead of using a USB-to-serial chip to program. For example, the esp32-s2, esp32-s3 and esp32-c3 class devices. The esp32 does not support USB.

  1. esp32-s2 devices support TinyUSB. Set "USE_USB": "1".
  2. esp32-s3 devices support both TinyUSB and JTAG-CDC. Set "USE_USB" to either 1 for TinyUSB or 2 for JTAG-CDC.
  3. esp32c3 devices support JTAG-CDC. Set "USE_USB": "2".


The include array lists other manifests to include. It's often convenient to include other manifests to avoid repeating common properties in every manifest. For example, the bmp280 example includes manifest_base.json and the manifest for the BMP280 temperature/barometric pressure sensor:

"include": [

Each example application in the Moddable SDK includes at least one of the manifests in the examples directory.

  • manifest_base.json is included by each of our example applications. It includes resource, instrumentation, time, and timer modules. It also includes a creation object that works for many applications. The creation object is covered in more detail later in this document.

  • manifest_commodetto.json is for applications that use the Commodetto graphics library directly.

  • manifest_net.json is for applications that use Wi-Fi. It includes Socket, Net, SNTP, and Wi-Fi modules. It does not include specific networking protocols like HTTP and MQTT.

  • manifest_piu.json is for applications that use the Piu application framework. It includes all the modules needed to use Piu. The screen and touch drivers are provided elsewhere, typically by the manifest of the target device itself, to keep the Piu manifest device independent.

Several touch, display, and sensor drivers and some networking modules also have manifests to make it easier to incorporate them into your projects.

Including Git Repositories

A manifest may directly include git repositories. The repositories are cloned as part of the build process and stored with the project's temporary build files.

Note: This feature is experimental. While the intent is to keep the manifest JSON as-is for including git repositories, changes may be made based on feedback from experience using the feature.

Each git repository to fetch is specified by an object in the include array of a manifest:

  • The object must have a "git" property, which is the git URL of the repo.
  • The object can have an "manifest" property, which is either the path of the manifest file to include, or the manifest object itself.

The default value of the "manifest" property is "manifest.json".

Note: When mconfig or mcrun evaluate the manifest file or object, the current directory is the directory of the git repository.

	"build": {
	"include": [
			"manifest": {
				"includes": [
			"manifest": {
				"modules": {
					"*" :[

When processing a manifest, mcconfig and mcrun clone or pull the repositories into the repos directory in the project's temporary build files.

Specific branches and tags are accessed using the optional branch and tag properties:


The hostname, pathname. branch, and tag are included in the path where the cloned repositories are stored to avoid conflicts.

Note: Cloned repositories are deleted when the project is cleaned (mcconfig -d -m -t clean). Therefore, the cloned repositories should not be edited.


The creation object defines the creation parameters of the XS machine that will run the application. The values used in manifest_base.json work for many applications, including the vast majority of example applications in the Moddable SDK.

"creation": {
	"static": 32768,
	"chunk": {
		"initial": 1536,
		"incremental": 512
	"heap": {
		"initial": 512,
		"incremental": 64
	"stack": 256,
	"keys": {
		"initial": 32,
		"incremental": 0,
		"name": 53,
		"symbol": 3
	"main": "main"

These values correspond to machine allocation values described in the XS in C documentation (the sole exception is the main property, which is the module specifier of the module to load following the set-up phase). Take care when changing these values as configuring them improperly can result in an unstable or unusable system. Bigger values are not always better, especially on devices with limited resources.

static memory allocations

The static property is the most important for microcontrollers. It is the total number of bytes that can be used by the JavaScript language runtime, including the stack, objects, byte-code, strings, etc. It is allocated as a single block of memory to minimize bookkeeping overhead and to allow the runtime to dynamically manage areas for fixed size slots and variable sized chunks. The static property also imposes a strict limit on the memory allocated by the language runtime to guarantee that scripts cannot exceed their memory budget (if they could, a script could take memory required by the host OS leading to failures and instabilities).

The static property is ignored by the simulator. The simulator falls back to on-demand memory allocation. Since computers have nearly infinite memory compared to microcontrollers, this isn't a problem.

There are some situations where the static allocation technique of dynamically managing a single block of memory isn't the optimal choice. The first is on microcontrollers where RAM is divided across two or more discontiguous address ranges (the ESP32 is a common example). In this case, using a single block of memory for the virtual machine prevents it from using some of the available RAM. The second is when the application has been carefully tuned to work with specific sized slot and chunk pools. Done correctly, such tuning can improve performance by reducing the frequency of garbage collections, particularly at launch. For these situations, do the following:

  • Set the static property to 0 to disable the static allocator. (It is not enough to delete the property as the static property may be defined in an included manifest)
  • Set the chunk initial property to the size of the the chunk heap in bytes
  • Set the heap initial property to the number of slots (on a 32-bit MCU, each slot is 16 bytes)
  • Set the chunk incremental and heap incremental properties to 0. (this prevents the slot and chunk heaps from growing beyond their initial allocations)

Using this approach, the memory allocator on the microcontroller allocates the following:

  • one memory block for the stack (the stack must be contiguous)
  • one memory block for chunks (this eliminates memory lost to chunk fragmentation and allows allocating the largest possible blocks from JavaScript)
  • one or more memory blocks for the slot heap

Note: The microcontroller runtime could be enhanced to allocate the chunk heap across multiple memory blocks; to-date this has not been necessary. The chunk heap is allocated before the stack and slot heap, allowing it to allocate the largest possible contiguous free block.


the VM allocates space for keys.initial runtime keys when the VM is initialized. For embedded projects, this number should be small as most keys are allocated when building, not at runtime. To prevent more keys than this being allocated at runtime, set keys.incremental to 0. To allow additional keys to be allocated, provide a non-zero value for keys.incremental.

The keys property previously contained an available property for the total number of keys that could be allocated at runtime. If keys.initial is not provided, the value of keys.available is used with keys.incremental of 0.


The defines object creates a set of C language #define preprocessor statements. It is designed to configure the C language implementation of hardware drivers.

The defines object is explained more fully in the defines document.


The config object contains values that are accessible to the application's scripts.

It is commonly used in the manifests of target platforms to specify the screen driver, touch driver, and default rotation. These properties are used by Commodetto and Piu setup modules.

"config": {
	"screen": "ili9341",
	"touch": "ft6206",
	"rotation": 90

It is also used in the files manifest to specify the file system root for each platform, some networking examples to specify Wi-Fi credentials, and more.

To access the config object in an application's scripts, import it. For example:

import config from "mc/config";

if (!config.ssid) {
	trace("No Wi-Fi SSID\n");

The config object in the mc/config module is frozen, preventing its values from being changed at runtime.

The content of the config object may be overridden by adding key value pairs to the command line provided to mcconfig. See the Arguments section of the Tools document for details.


Most applications do not use all built-in JavaScript language features. To save ROM, the XS linker can strip unused native code from the XS engine itself. For more information about the strip feature, see the Strip unused features section of the XS Differences document.

The strip object in a manifest is a string or array that specifies which built-in objects and functions of the JavaScript language can/should be removed by the XS linker.

  • "*" means anything unused by the application can be stripped. This is the value used by manifest_base.json.

     "strip": "*"
  • If you only want certain objects or functions to be stripped, pass in an array of JavaScript class and function names. Items in the array will be stripped. Anything not included in the array will not be stripped.

    The following strips the RegExp class, eval function, and the two Array reduce functions.

     "strip": [
  • You can also specify that specific items be stripped in addition to anything unused.

    The "*" means to strip everything unused. Because the two Array reduce functions are explicitly listed, they will also be stripped, whether or not they are used.

     "strip": [

If an application attempts to use a class or function that has been stripped, it will throw a dead strip! error.


The modules object specifies which modules are included in the build. Every module used by an application must be listed in the modules object.

The * parameter of the modules object is an array of paths.

"modules": {
	"*": [

These modules are imported into other script modules using the file name.

import ASSETS from "assets"

If you want to use a different name with the import statement, you can include additional key/value pairs to the modules object where the key is the new name and the value is the path to the file. For example:

"modules": {
	"*": [
	"newNameForAssets": "./assets"

These modules are imported into other script modules using the name given by the manifest.

import ASSETS from "newNameForAssets"


Preloading of modules is a unique feature of the XS JavaScript engine. Preloading executes parts of a JavaScript application during the the build process, before the application is downloaded to the target device. For more information about preloading, see the preloading document.

The preload array in a manifest lists the modules preloaded in the read-only XS virtual machine that will be cloned to run the app. It is an array of module names, not paths to modules.

"preload": [


The resources object specifies which resources (image, font, and audio files) are included in the build.


Image assets may be in the GIF, JPEG, and PNG image file formats.

GIF and JPEG files should be included in the * array.

	"*": [

PNG files are converted by png2bmp. This converts them into BMP files that Moddable apps can use directly from flash storage. png2bmp can convert to alpha bitmaps and color bitmaps.

  • Files listed in the * array will be converted to 8-bit alpha and 16-bit color bitmaps.

  • Files listed in the *-color array will only be converted to 16-bit color bitmaps.

  • Files listed in the *-alpha array will only be converted to 8-bit alpha bitmaps.

  • Files listed in the *-mask array will be converted to 4-bit alpha bitmaps.


The Moddable SDK uses bitmap fonts. The metrics are provided by binary FNT files, the glyphs are provided by PNG files. The glyph files are converted like all other PNGs (using png2bmp) so you can include fonts in the *, *-alpha, *-color, or *-mask arrays.

	"*-mask": [

For more information about creating fonts for Moddable applications, see the font documentation.


The AudioOut module requires that audio be provided either as a MAUD audio resource or as raw audio samples. WAV files are automatically converted to the maud format using the wav2maud tool of the Moddable SDK, and compressed using IMA ADCPM.

Wave audio files should be included in the * array.

	"*": [


The data object specifies resources to be included in the build. Unlike resources in the resources object, resources specified in the data object are never transformed in any way by the Moddable SDK build tools. You can use the data object to include resources like TLS certificates and JSON files.

TLS Certificates

SecureSocket objects use TLS certificates in DER (binary) format. The certificate store is located in the $MODDABLE/modules/crypt/data directory, or you can include your own certificates. Any valid certificate in DER format will work.

TLS certificates should be included in the * array.

	"*": [


The platforms object allows you to specify properties that should only apply to specific platforms and subplatforms. The platforms object has one property for each platform or subplatform. Each property can have an include array, a modules object, a preload array, a resources object, a defines object, and a recipes object that will be used only when that platform is the goal of the build.

This is useful when the implementation of a module varies from platform to platform. For example, the platforms object below comes from the digital manifest. The implementation of GPIO requires the use of native code, and is different on each platform. This ensures that the correct modules are used for each target device.

"platforms": {
	"esp": {
		"modules": {
			"*": "$(MODULES)/pins/digital/esp/*"
	"esp32": {
		"modules": {
			"*": "$(MODULES)/pins/digital/esp32/*"
	"gecko": {
		"modules": {
			"*": "$(MODULES)/pins/digital/gecko/*"
	"qca4020": {
		"modules": {
			"*": "$(MODULES)/pins/digital/qca4020/*"
	"...": {
		"error": "pins/digital module unsupported"

The "..." platform identifier is a fallback for when no matching platform is found. This is useful for errors and warnings.

For example, if the platforms object of a manifest is as follows, building for the esp platform will not generate a warning/error, building for the esp32 platform will generate a warning, and building for any other platform will generate an error.

	"esp": {
		/* modules and resources for ESP8266 go here */
	"esp32": {
		"warning": "module XYZ not fully tested on esp32",
		/* modules and resources for ESP32 go here */
	"...": {
		"error": "module XYZ unsupported"

The esp32 platform has an additional property dependency which can be used to add ESP Registry components to your project.

	"platforms": {
		"esp32": {
			"dependency": [
				{ "name": "onewire_bus", "version": "^1.0.2" },
				{ "namespace": "waveshare", "name": "esp_lcd_jd9365_8", "version": "^0.0.2" }

namespace is optional and defaults to espressif.

The library and include files from the dependencies will be loaded from the ESP Registry and made available to you. You can then write your module with a native part to interface with the component.

The onewire module demonstrates the use of dependency.


A subplatform is used to configure an application for the variations in a product family. They are useful when devices are similar and share much of the same configuration, but have slight differences.

For example, there are subplatforms for each Gecko device supported by the Moddable SDK. In the segment below, the timer module is specified for all gecko platforms. The wakeup pin is defined differently for the gecko/giant and gecko/mighty subplatforms.

"platforms": {
    "gecko": {
        "modules": {
            "*": [
        "preload": [
    "gecko/giant": {
        "defines": {
            "sleep": {
                "wakeup": { "pin": 2, "port": "gpioPortF", "level": 0, "register": "GPIO_EM4WUEN_EM4WUEN_F2" }
    "gecko/mighty": {
        "defines": {
            "sleep": {
                "wakeup": { "pin": 7, "port": "gpioPortF", "level": 0, "register": "GPIO_EXTILEVEL_EM4WU1" }

The SUBPLATFORM variable is automatically defined by mcconfig. A wildcard is a available to match on subplatforms. The SUBPLATFORM variable and wildcard match used together simplify inclusion of subplatform manifests:

	"platforms": {
		"esp32/*": {
			"include": "./targets/$(SUBPLATFORM)/manifest.json"


The bundle object is used by the mcbundle command line tool to build and package app archives for the Moddable Store. It has the following properties:

Property Required Description
id The app signature. We typically use the app signature tech.moddable. + the name of the app, for example tech.moddable.balls for an app called balls.
devices An array of platform identifiers or device signatures that support the app.

You can also use wildcards (e.g. esp/* or esp32/*).
custom The path to the custom directory for the app's configurable preferences, if any.
icon The path to the custom app icon, if any. The app icon is the image that shows up next to the app name in the Moddable Store. The Moddable Store supplies a default icon based on the Moddable logo.
"bundle": {
    "id": "tech.moddable.countdown",
    "devices": [
    "custom": "./store/custom",
    "icon": "./store/icon.png"

How manifests are processed

mcconfig is a command line tool that generates a make file based on a manifest, then runs make to build and launch Moddable apps on microcontrollers or in the simulator. mcconfig processes a manifest in three passes: combine, match, and generate.


The first pass combines the properties of the included manifests (in depth-first order) with the properties of the processed manifest. For each manifest, the common properties are combined with the properties of the platform that is the goal of the build. Subplatform properties are combined with platform properties.

In the modules and resources objects, paths can be relative to the manifest that defines them.

When combining properties with the same name, the combined value is the concatenation of the two values. For example, consider the following snippet of a manifest for an application. The include object specifies that the properties from manifest_base.json should be included. The modules object specifies just one module called main.

	"include": [
	"modules": {
		"*": "./main"
	/* other manifest properties here */

The modules object from manifest_base.json includes additional modules from the $MODDABLE/modules directory.

	"modules": {
		"*": [

The concatenation of the two modules objects includes the main module from the application, and the resource and instrumentation modules specified in manifest_base.json.

"modules": {
	"*": [


The second pass matches files with the properties of the combined modules and resources objects:

  • The ~ property contains files to exclude from the build.
  • The name of each property is the target file, the value of the property is the source file or an array of source files.
  • Targets and sources can use the * wildcard to represent all files that match.

These are the supported extensions:

  • In the modules object, mcconfig matches .c, .cc, .cpp, .h, .js and .m files.
  • In the resources object, mcconfig matches .act, .bmp, .cct, .dat, .der, .fnt, .jpg, .json, .nfnt, .pk8, .png, .rle, .ski and .ttf files.


The third pass generates make variables and rules for matched files:

  • The .js files are compiled with xsc and linked with xsl.
  • The modules listed in the preload properties are preloaded by xsl in the read-only XS virtual machine that will be cloned to run the app.
  • The .png files are converted by png2bmp. Use the *-color and *-alpha pseudo target to get only color or only alpha bitmaps.
  • The .h files define header dependencies and include directories.
  • The .c files are compiled and linked with $(CC) unless they match the value of a property of the combined recipes object, then they use the make recipe corresponding to the name of the property.

The generated make file contains the generated variables, then the make fragment corresponding to the goal of the build, then the generated rules.

You will find the default make fragments and the make recipes in $(MODDABLE)/tools/mcconfig. It is the make fragments that define the compiler options, the linker options, the libraries, etc.

The make fragment can be specified in a platform's build section.

"platforms": {
	"gecko/*": {
		"build": {
			"MAKE_FRAGMENT": "$(BUILD)/devices/gecko/targets/$(SUBPLATFORM)/make.$(SUBPLATFORM).mk"
		"include": "./targets/$(SUBPLATFORM)/manifest.json"